The best techniques to study for exams are not the ones that you hear about in textbooks. Instead, they are techniques that can be useful in the real world. These techniques include quizzing yourself, self-testing, and intensive study sessions. These methods are easy to implement and they are guaranteed to get you results. Here are some examples of these techniques. Then, pick the one that works best for you! And remember, these are not the only techniques that will help you study for your exams.
Self-testing as a technique to prepare for exams has many advantages. The process of self-testing can be a great time-saver. It strengthens the memory trace, reducing the need for re-studying. But it is also a challenge for students to get motivated to test themselves. The more frequently you test yourself, the better your memory will become.
Spaced repetition
Using spaced repetition as your study technique is a proven way to improve your recall. This method involves re-visiting the same information at optimal intervals, rather than cramming your brain with information. It takes time to see results, but is well worth it once you get the hang of it. Make sure you set aside enough time to practice and have a comfortable study area.
Intensive study sessions
Intensive study sessions are short, focused sessions of studying that ensure maximum retention of information. Shorter study sessions are more effective than long ones because they minimize wasted time and effort. Studies have shown that thirty to forty-five minutes of focused study per day produce more effective results than long, drawn-out sessions. This study method involves active studying strategies such as using visuals, stories, and memory hacks. It is also important to remember that a single lengthy session can result in distractions and a loss of focus.
Quizzing yourself
Quizzing yourself is an extremely effective technique for studying for an exam. It will make you think like a professor, and it is a proven method to retain information. You can easily implement this technique into your daily routine by carrying a study guide with you and reviewing it periodically. To increase retention, identify questions you don’t know and repeat them aloud. Also, practice solving sample problems and re-do those that give you trouble.